Connie says I can do this, but you know different. "Jerry," she says, "you don't have to write a novel, just get some pics out there for our image-starved friends to enjoy." "They only want to see pictures of Lily Grace and Austin. Everyone else just gets the pics out there." "Of course, they do, sweetheart. But don't they need some context?" "Context? How about some contrast?" Just post the pictures. OK. OK. But at least let me explain what a great day we had and how important this day was to Lia Faith.
After approximately 9 months (we really didn't plan it that way, I promise), we finally gave birth to a fully certified, Secretary of State approved, Dossier for the adoption of a little sister for Lily Grace and Austin. It's only 13 documents, Jerry, how could it take so long? Well, let's see ... Er, never mind, just the pictures, Jerry. Focus ...
So after getting our second I-797 this past week, we went full throttle to get everything taken care of so we could go to Birmingham and Montgomery today. Oh, the second I-797 you ask? Seems the applicant (read that as me) followed the instructions on the I-600 a little too explicitly when the item requested was spouse's name (include maiden name). So, from Dept of Homeland Security's perspective, the applicants had different last names. Didn't catch this initially and it would have been a problem, but DHS was kind enough to overlook my mistake and amend the form. They didn't even charge us - thanks DHS. Only a two week delay!
Pictures, Jerry. Pictures. Focus ... So, first thing this morning, we hopped in the truck, mortgaged the house for a tank of gas, and headed south. First stop, Lifeline Children's Services in Birmingham. Anna and Carla of Lifeline are most certainly two angels set upon accomplishing God's work. For children. Everytime we look at Lily Grace, we're reminded of their contribution to seeing that children get to lead happy, family-filled lives. We are thrilled that they are there for us. Once the Dossier was reviewed and deemed ready to go to Montgomery, we decided to increase the throttle past full steam ahead. Buy some more gas and drive further south. Lily kept saying "Are we going home now?"
We had our Dossier state certified and fedexed it straight to Houston from the State Capitol. There, that's the news of the day. And see Connie, I kept it short and to the point. Oh, nearly forgot the pictures....
Jerry, Connie, Austin, Lily Grace (and Lia Faith, out there somewhere)
Green, Party of Five
I LOVE it!! Congrats on getting dossier finished!! HOORAY!! The pictures are great and that little outfit...adorable!!
This is the best part of the process, besides actually getting your child! I loved it when I could hand off the dossier and it was totally out of my hands! Now you can just get on with your life and wait! That's the easy part, right? :)
I love the story, but I dooooo love the photos. The little outfit she has on is absolutely precious!
Congratulations on getting the dossier finished. I know that is a relief!
Love all the pics!
YEA!!! that is awesome news and yes, we do appreciate the private update as well! love the posts and the pictures and already looking forward to seeing that little lia faith (do you like that name jerry?)
Goodbye dossier, hello Lia Faith! ;)
Praise the Lord for that major milestone!
Well, our dossier for Katie took EXACTLY 9 months from start to DTC. It so turns out that Katie was born around our DTC time, so she was conceived around the time we started the process. :)
Congratulations! It's a huge relief to have it done!
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