Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What About That Easter Dress, Jerry!

Oh, my gosh. See, that's the problem with us fathers. Sometimes we just simply don't think about these things. New clothes and particularly little girls dresses are as much a tradition of Easter as the infamous bunny himself, but until you have a daughter of your own, you can't understand.

Time to Pray!

When I was a kid growing up, we always got new Easter shoes and boy were they really tight and they hurt your feet. Shiny black and about two sizes too small. I think that Mom was getting out the same pair year after year since they were only to be worn once anyway. Why waste good money on comfortable shoes when it could be better put to use on chocolate eggs and bunny rabbits - good thing those weren't recycled! Anyway, yes we also got new clothes. Suits for the boys and I guess my sister got a new dress. See, that's the problem - I didn't notice these things because I was too busy looking at my feet and wondering how to get out of wearing those shiny, new, recycled shoes!

So, did Lily Grace get a new dress for Easter? Are you kidding? Does Connie like to shop? Is there a stairwell picture in the future of this blog? Silly you for thinking there would be no picture of Lily Grace in her new Easter dress. Of course there is. Connie, wake Lily Grace back up and put on her Easter dress so I can get a picture. I know it's 10:30, but I need to finish this post. OK, here she is. No, no I didn't wake her up, that was a joke. I think every time Lily Grace smiles, we take a hundred pictures. Because seeing that smile after knowing how her life started out causes our hearts to melt and our eyes to fill with tears - every time! We are truly blessed by God to be given the opportunity to raise two of His most precious belongings.

I'm a big helper ain't I?

So, without further delay, the Easter pictures...

Behold, the Easter Dress!

Jerry, Connie, Austin, and Lily Grace


Journey to Lilly! said...

Jerry you did a great job on the post! I love Lily Grace's dress. I sometimes tear up looking at blogs just thinking about what these babies are over coming. Lily is just precious & is like a blossoming flower! She was one of the first Chines babies I met after starting our adoption. I was just in Awe at how precious she was...& I still am!
God Bless You!

drew and lori said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! thanks jerry!

Sonya said...

GREAT POST!!! What a doll!!!


Lisa said...

Beautiful dress! She is precious as always!

The Ferrill's said...

WOW...awesome pictures and beautiful China doll! Thank you for sharing!

Paige Betterton said...

She looks beautiful! Maybe we can get our Jiangxi girls together soon to play!